MARRIAGE MAH U R A T- 2024, shadi ki subh tithi


Muhurat/Electional astrology or an auspicious time period According to the Hindu Vedic astrology if we start our important work/assignment in an auspicious time (shubh Muhurat) the chances of success in that assignment can be optimized. A Muhurat is a unit of time comprises of 48 minutes. We know that there are 1440 minutes in a day. Therefore there is 30 Muhurats of 48 minutes each in day. Muhurat (Auspicious time) are widely applicable to many different areas including marriage, relationship, journey, investment, purchase of property and other valuable, and many more things. It is a natural phenomenon that every body desires fruitful results for the work conducted by him/her. Astrology/Muhurat helps in choosing that auspicious time to perform the work. we will tell you all about Mahurat.  Vihah mahurat2020-2021-2022-2023-2024

Basic Muhurat Principles:

  • Pushya nakshatra is favorable for all auspicious activities, except marriage.
  • For activities relating to important ceremonies, taking firsl lesson of music Moon should be occupy in Mrgasira, Chitra, Anuradha or Revati.
  • For activities with long-term implications (start of building house, planting trees, accepting new position):- Moon should be occupy in fixed nakshatra – Rohini, Uttarashadha or Uttarabhadrapada.
  • For undertaking travels Moon should be occupy in nakshatra – Aswini, Pushya, or Hasta.
  • For buying new vehicle:- Moon should be occupy in the moveable nakshatra – Punarvasu, Svati, Shravana, Dhanishta or Satabisha.

What is the significance of Muhurat ?

Muhurat is nothing but the fixing of a particular time for an event to be performed in the future. We understand that making a judgement about the future has to be based either on forecasting techniques or on astrology. During performance of any important function whether it is a naming ceremony, thread ceremony,marriage, etc., an essential part is to ask a panditji to work out the auspicious moment or ‘muhurat’ when the ceremony should be performed.Astrology is a gift of its close sister discipline astronomy.

There could be no astrology without astronomy, as astrology predicts the turn of events in the future with the real or imaginary changes in planetary and star positions. We know that the firmament i.e. the observable universe, has a mechanics of its own. The earth and sun being part of the firmament go about their own movement as per the mechanics. The rotation of the earth on its axis causes day and night and its revolution round the sun causes weather changes. This co-relation between a change in star patterns and a change in weather which repeated itself year after year, germinated ideas that star patterns decide weather changes.

Mahurat, know about Shubh Mahurat of Marriage, shadi ki subh tithi in 2022

This interpretation gave birth to ideas that appearance of a particular star spelt prosperity while that of another spelt doom. In India the appearance of a comet was looked upon as portending doom. Following this, it was not a difficult step to believe that changes in an individuals fortune are also decided by changes in star patterns. Thus the development of astronomy lead to astrology and to beliefs in the auspicious or inauspicious. Henceforth the practice of consulting learned pandits for derivation of auspicious dates or time in the future could evolve naturally. 

What is the importance of Mahurat?  शुभ मुहूर्त क्यों जरूरी हैं, इनका क्या लाभ है?

 Mahurat- The world is a time of every dwindling event as the sun rises in time, the earth is rotating around the sun in a fixed circumference and the moon is revolving around the earth. Thus all the work in the whole creation based on the rules of time is tied to the law of time.

When the farmer sows the seeds in his fields, he sows at the exact time when his season and date are. If it is to be planted in the field on the date of that month, even a little bit back and forth, then the crop may be spoiled. He puts the date in front of the tradition and puts the seeds in the fields. As soon as the sunrise, the creatures come out of the nest and then the nocturnal creatures become active when it is set. The flower of the sunflower plant remains towards the sun, the process of making food starts in the plants. Everything is tied to time. bhoomi pujan 2020 mahurat

The child stays 9 months in the mother’s stomach, if it comes first, then the problem comes later. Similarly, human also wants his life to be happily when he takes any important decision, then he sees what time is right for him, it is auspicious. When you decide the time of any work and work on it with advice from astrologer, it is called auspicious time. If you keep a date according to your convenience, it is also a kind of Mahurat but it is according to your convenience. Subh Mahrat has very much impprtance in our life.
 Shubh Vivah Muhurta 2020: 16 rites (ceremonies) are very important in Hinduism. Among these sixteen Samskaras, one of the holy rites is marriage. All these rites begin only after the child is in the womb. Funeral rites are done after man is dead, it is called Antim Sanskara. mundan dates 2020, 
Subh Mahurat 2020- We will tell you in detail about the auspicious dates of marriage in 2020. All these Mahurat have been prepared with the help of local Panchag. Some important points are described in Hindu theology. These points explain the main facts of life in detail as well as provide astrological, religious and scientific meaning.

शुद्ध तथा शुभ विवाह मुहूर्त्त mahurat 2020-

The date, day, constellation and duration of the Mahurat for the Hindu Vivah Mahurat in the year 2020 are given in the list of Vivah Mahurat 2020 given below. You can get more information about Marriage Mahurat 2020. Such as why the Vivah Mahurat 2020 is important, and what are the major rituals performed during the marriage ceremony.
Description of sign words – Aries to 1, Gemini to 3, Cancer to 4, Leo to 5, Virgo to 6, Libra to 7, Scorpio to 8, Sagittarius to 9, Capricorn to 10, Aquarius to 11 and 12 Let the number of points be taken.
Day Lagna – Time of day, Ra. L.- Night’s lagna    mundan shubh mahrat
Chandra Daan- That is, in this marriage lagna you can get married by donating and worshiping the items related to the moon. In this way, Mercury donation and Mars donation etc. should also be taken.
Ascendant-lagna is weak, so marriage can be done in this lagna only if it is very necessary.
Padveedha – that is, the marriage of the auspicious planet on the constellation at the time of marriage.
Note- English date given in marriage Muhurta is sunrise where English date will be considered in advance where Muhurtaqala (lagna) is after 12 pm and before sunrise.

वैवाहिक मुहूर्त 2024

अप्रैल 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

जुलाई 09, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

नवंबर 2024 शादी-विवाह शुभ मुहूर्त
12 नवंबर 2024, मंगलवार
13 नवंबर 2024, बुधवार
16 नवंबर 2024, शनिवार
17 नवंबर 2024, रविवार
18 नवंबर 2024, सोमवार
22 नवंबर 2024, शुक्रवार
23 नवंबर 2024, शनिवार
25 नवंबर 2024, सोमवार

26 नवंबर 2024, मंगलवार
28 नवंबर 2024, गुरुवार
29 नवंबर 2024, शुक्रवार

दिसंबर 2024 शादी-विवाह शुभ मुहूर्त

4 दिसंबर 2024, बुधवार
5 दिसंबर 2024, गुरुवार
9 दिसंबर 2024, सोमवार
10 दिसंबर 2024, मंगलवार
14 दिसंबर 2024, शनिवार
15 दिसंबर 2024, रविवार


—————————-List of vivah muhurat 2020————————————-
Date—          Day — Desi Month-Date-Constellation————–Time
15 January  Wed     Magh Kr. Panchami U.Palgun    07: 15-21: 12 | 23: 36-25: 42
16 Jan. Guru Magh Kr. Shasthi Hand Figure        25: 19-26: 30 26: 30-31: 15
17 Jan. Venus Magh Kr. Saptami Chitra Swati      07: 15-25: 12 25: 12-31: 12
18 Jan. Saturn Magh Kr. Navami Swati                  07: 15-12: 25 | 18: 28-24: 15
19 Jan. Ravi Magh Kr. Dashami Anuradha             26: 51-31: 15
20 Jan. Mon Magh Kr. Ekadashi Anuradha            07: 15-23: 16
26 Jan. Ravi Magh Shu. Second lady 26:                   24-30: 48
29 Jan. Wed Magh Shoe. Chaturthi U. Bhadrapada 12: 13-31: 11
30 Jan. Guru Magh Shu. Panchami U. Bhadrapada Revathi 07: 11-15: 12 15: 12-31: 10
31 Jan. Fri Magh Shu. Shashthi Revathi Ashwini 07: 10–17: 22 18: 58–31: 10
1 February Sat Sat Magh Sh. Saptami Ashwini               07: 10-18: 11
3 Feb. Mon Magh Shu. Navami Rohini
4 Feb. Tue Magh Shu. Dashmi Rohini                               07: 08-25: 49
9 Feb. Ravi Magha Purnima Magha                                  20: 31-31: 04
10 Feb. Mon Falgun Kr. Pratipada Magha               070: 4-11: 31 | 13: 55-17: 06
11 Feb.Mangal Phalgun Kr. Tritiya U.Palgun          14: 23-15: 35
14 Feb. Fri Phalgun Kr. Best Sathi                             13: 03-14: 48
15 Feb. Shani Falgun Kr. Saptami Anuradha           29: 09-30: 59
16 Feb. Ravi Phalgun Kr. Ashtami Anuradha         06: 59-11: 48 | 15: 24-28: 53
25 Feb. Mangal Phalgun Sh. Dwitiya N. Bhadrapada 19: 10-30: 50
26 Feb.Wed Falgun Sh. Tritiya U. Bhadrapada Revathi 06: 50-22: 08 22: 08-30: 49
27 Feb. Guru Falgun Sh. Chaturthi Revathi                     06: 49-17: 29
28 Feb. Fri Falgun Sh. Panchami Ashwini       06: 48-15: 24 | 20: 22-28: 03
10 March Mangal Chaitra Contemporary hand    22: 01-30: 35
11 March Wed Chaitra Kr. Second hand                 06: 35-19: 00
15 April Wed Vaishakh By 9:08 in the morning, day lagna 2 (after 9:08) 5 (lunar donation), 6 (mercury donation), guru yuti parihara
16 April Guru Vaishakh Kr. Navami Dhanishtha 23: 06-29: 54 Rahu Lagna 8, 11 (Chandra Dan), 12 (Mercury-Venus-Rahu Dan)
17 April Fri Vaishakh Krish. Dashami U. Bhadrapada 05: 54-07: 05 | 20: 04-25: 36
25 April Sat Vaishakh Sh. Dwitiya Rohini 20: 57-29: 45
26 April Ravi Vaishakh Sh. Tritiya Rohini 05: 45-22: 56
1 May Fri Vaishakh Sh. Ashtami Magha 25: 53-29: 40
2 May Sat Vaishakh Sh. Navami Magha 05: 40-09: 03 | 14: 05-23: 40
4 May Mon Vaishakh Sh. Ekadashi U. Falguni Hastam 08: 57-19: 19 19: 19-28: 44
5 May Tue Vaishakh Sh. Trayodashi Hastam 05: 56-16: 39
6 May Wed Vaishakh Sh. Chaturdashi Chitra Figure 05: 36-13: 51 1: 351-19: 45
15 May Venus Jyeshtha Kr. Ashtami Dhanishtha 05: 30-08: 29
17 May Ravi Jyesht Kr. Dashami U. Bhadrapada 13: 58–27: 32
18 May Mon Jyesht Kr. Ekadashi U. Bhadrapada Revathi 05: 19-16: 58 16: 58-28: 29
19 May Mangal Jyeshtha Kr. Dwadashi Revathi 05: 28-17: 32
23 May Saturn Jyeshtha Sh. Pratipada Rohini 24: 17-28: 51
11 June Guru Ashadh Kr. Shashthi Dhanishtha 11: 28-16: 35
15 June Mon Ashadh Kr. Dashami Revathi 05: 23-16: 31
17 June Wed Ashadh Kr. Ekadashi Ashwini 05: 23-06: 04
27 June Sat Ashad Sh. Saptami U.Palguni 23: 07-26: 54
29 June Mon Ashad Sh. Navami Figure 07: 14-29: 22
30 June Mangal Ashad Sh. Dashami Figure 05: 27-05: 39
27 November Fri Karthik Shu. Dwadashi Ashwini 08: 28-24: 22
29 Nov. Ravi Karthik Shu. Chaturdashi Rohini
30 Nov.Mon Karthik Poornima Rohini 06: 56-30: 57
1 December Tue Pratipada Rohini 06: 57-08: 30
7 Dec. Mon Margashirsha Kr. Saptami Magha 07: 40-14: 32
9 Dec. Wed Margashirsha Kr. Navami Hand 12: 32-26: 08
10 Dec. Guru Margashirsha Kr. Dashami Figure 12: 52-31: 04
11 December 2020 Venus Margashirsha Kr. Ekadashi Figure 07: 04-08: 48

Vivah Muhurat 2020: Auspicious days, Var, Muhurat and Nakshatra in Panchang
The most auspicious time for marriage in the year 2020 will be considered when the sun will transit in Aries, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius. Apart from this, when the Sun transits in Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces zodiac, then during that time marriage will not be considered auspicious.

The auspicious constellations for marriage in the year 2020 are Rohini, Mrigashira, Magha, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Moola, Uttara Ashadha, Uttara Bhadrapada and Revathi Nakshatra. Along with this, there are auspicious occasions of marriage in the year 2020 – Mon, Wed, Thursday and Friday.

shubh dates- The auspicious dates for marriage in the year 2020 are – Dwitiya, Tritiya, Panchami, Saptami, Ekadashi and Triodashi.

todays mahurat- to know todays mahurat you can check the time from the table mentioned above. In this, check about the day you want to know for todays mahurat. You will get information on that date.

You can also take help from Panchag to know shubh time for shubh time-marriage etc. and the dates we have mentioned in the table are also explained in detail about shubh time.

shubh mahurat 2018, shubh mahhurat 2019- If you want to get information about shubh mahurat 2018, shubh mahurat 2019, then you can see the Panchag of 2019 and 2018. These dates have passed so there is no justification to tell about shubh mahurat 2018 here, if you still want information about it, you can ask us.

It is considered mandatory to calculate the auspicious time for marriage ceremony. If marriage and auspicious time is not done in the year 2020, then marital couples may have to face many inauspicious results. mahurat for shifting in old house

subh mahurat for purchaing new Vehicle 2020, Auspicious time to buy new vehicle 2020

Every human wants to have a beautiful home, little land and a vehicle. Earlier cities were not so wide, but today with the increase in population, the need for private vehicles is coming to the fore. Almost everyone has a vehicle abroad. Nothing is possible without a vehicle there. Vehicles have become an important link in India. Auspicious time to buy a vehicle We will give you information for 2020 which dates and times are auspicious for buying vehicles and you can buy vehicles during this auspicious time. subh mahurat for purchaing new Vehicle 2020, Auspicious time to buy new vehicle 2020
The auspicious dates for buying a vehicle are as follows-
 25 March 2020 Revathi Nakshatra
26 March 2020 Re-A.
3 April 2020 Pushya Nakshatra
5 April 2020
6 April 12-16 pm 
8 April After 11-21
17 April to 12-18
18 April
19 April
27 April After 14-30
30 April After14-40
2 May After 11–36
3 May before12-08
4 May 2020
18 May 2020
24 May 2020
27 May 2020
15 June 2020
26 June 2020
2 July 2020
8 July
10 July
23 July
25 July
26 July
29 July
3 August
5 August
6 August
8 August
21 August
23 August
24 August After 09-12
29 August 2020 till 13-03
31 August till 8-49
19 October
21 October
22 October
25 October
28 October After 9-11
29 October 2020 till 12-00 pm
31 October
6 November
12 November
19 November
20 November After 9-22
25 November to 15-57
27 November After 8-29
7 December 2020 after 7-40 pm
After this, you can buy a new vehicle on 10 December 2020.
Note- This information is given on the basis of local panchag, the dates and times may change according to the location. For this, you can consult your Pandit ji or match with local Panchag.

mahurat for starting a new business,


Subh Vivah Mahurat in 2021

Dev Uthani Ekadashi is on 14th November 2021. On November 15, just a day after “Devuthani Gyaras”, the marriage of Mother Tulsi and Saligram will be done in every house of Snatani Hindu. This is aslo called “Devotthan Ekadashi”. You will be happy to know that from this day the auspicious time begins. During this, the first Muhurta of marriage in Hindu Dharma is on 15 November 2021. There are total 7 Shubh Muhurtas in the month of November and 6 Shubh Muhurtas in December 2021.

Marriage Muhurta (Vivah Mahurat) in the year 2021

  • January – 18
  • April – 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30
  • May – 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29 and 30
  • June – 3, 4, 5, 16, 20, 22, 23, and 24
  • July – 1, 2, 7, 13 and 15
  • November – 15, 16, 20, 21, 28, 29 and 30
  • December – 1, 2, 6, 7, 11 and 13      What is the timing of Brahma Muhurtham?

Marrage Mahurat in 2022,Shadi ke liye shub mahurat 2022 main kya hai

April 1, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 2, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 3, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 4, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 5, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 6, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 7, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 8, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 9, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 10, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 11, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 12, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 13, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
April 14, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Day partially overlaps with Prohibited Solar month
April 15, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Yoga is corrupting Auspicious Nakshatra
April 16, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious

Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
April 17, 2022, Sunday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
Muhurat: 11:41 PM to 05:34 AM, Apr 18
Nakshatra:Swati Tithi: Dwitiya
April 18, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
April 19, 2022, Tuesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
Muhurat: 05:02 PM to 01:39 AM, Apr 20
April 20, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
April 21, 2022, Thursday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
10:22 AM to 09:52 PM
April 22, 2022, Friday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
08:14 PM to 05:48 AM, Apr 23
Uttara Ashadha
April 23, 2022, Saturday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:48 AM to 06:54 PM
Uttara Ashadha
April 24, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
April 25, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
April 26, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
April 27, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Time is too short for Marriage
April 28, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Yoga is corrupting most of the day
April 29, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Karana is corrupting most of the day
April 30, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available

11 Shubh days available for marriage in May
May 1, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
May 2, 2022, Monday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
12:34 AM to 05:39 AM, May 03
May 3, 2022, Tuesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:39 AM to 04:16 PM
May 4, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Time is too short for Marriage
May 5, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
May 6, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
May 7, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
May 8, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
May 9, 2022, Monday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
11:31 PM to 05:34 AM, May 10
May 10, 2022, Tuesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:34 AM to 06:40 PM
May 11, 2022, Wednesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
07:28 PM to 05:32 AM, May 12
Uttara Phalguni
May 12, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Time is too short for Marriage
May 13, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Time is too short for Marriage
May 14, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Yoga is corrupting Auspicious Nakshatra
May 15, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Time is too short for Marriage
May 16, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Time is too short for Marriage
May 17, 2022, Tuesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:29 AM to 10:46 AM
May 18, 2022, Wednesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
11:36 PM to 05:28 AM, May 19
May 19, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
May 20, 2022, Friday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:28 AM to 01:18 AM, May 21
Uttara Ashadha
Panchami, Shashthi
May 21, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
May 22, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
May 23, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
May 24, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Karana is corrupting Auspicious Nakshatra and Yoga combination
May 25, 2022, Wednesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
10:32 AM to 05:25 AM, May 26
Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati
May 26, 2022, Thursday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:25 AM to 06:19 PM
Ekadashi, Dwadashi
May 27, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
May 28, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
May 29, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
May 30, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Karana is corrupting Auspicious Nakshatra and Yoga combination
May 31, 2022, Tuesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
06:07 AM to 12:34 AM, Jun 01
Rohini, Mrigashirsha
Pratipada, Dwitiya

10 Shubh days available for marriage in June
June 1, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Yoga is corrupting most of the day
June 2, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
June 3, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
June 4, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
June 5, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
June 6, 2022, Monday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
06:55 AM to 02:26 AM, Jun 07
June 7, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
June 8, 2022, Wednesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:23 AM to 03:27 AM, Jun 09
Uttara Phalguni
Ashtami, Navami
June 9, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Time is too short for Marriage
June 10, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
June 11, 2022, Saturday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
08:47 PM to 02:05 AM, Jun 12
June 12, 2022, Sunday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
11:58 PM to 05:23 AM, Jun 13
June 13, 2022, Monday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:23 AM to 09:02 PM
June 14, 2022, Tuesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
11:47 PM to 05:23 AM, Jun 15
June 15, 2022, Wednesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:23 AM to 03:33 PM
Pratipada, Dwitiya
June 16, 2022, Thursday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
12:37 PM to 07:55 PM
Uttara Ashadha
June 17, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Time is too short for Marriage
June 18, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
June 19, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
June 20, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
June 21, 2022, Tuesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:24 AM to 05:24 AM, Jun 22
Uttara Bhadrapada
Ashtami, Navami
June 22, 2022, Wednesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:24 AM to 11:57 PM
Navami, Dashami
June 23, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
June 24, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
June 25, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
June 26, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Yoga is corrupting Auspicious Nakshatra
June 27, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Yoga is corrupting most of the day
June 28, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Karana is corrupting most of the day
June 29, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
June 30, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
July 1, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
July 2, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
July 3, 2022, Sunday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:06 PM to 05:28 AM, Jul 04
July 4, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
July 5, 2022, Tuesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
12:16 PM to 05:29 AM, Jul 06
Uttara Phalguni
Shashthi, Saptami
July 6, 2022, Wednesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
05:29 AM to 11:43 AM
Uttara Phalguni
July 7, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Time is too short for Marriage
July 8, 2022, Friday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
12:14 PM to 05:30 AM, Jul 09
Navami, Dashami
July 9, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Day partially overlaps with Prohibited Chaturmas
July 10, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Chaturmas
July 11, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Chaturmas
July 12, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Chaturmas
July 13, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Chaturmas
July 14, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Chaturmas
July 15, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Chaturmas
July 16, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Day partially overlaps with Prohibited Solar month
July 17, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 18, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 19, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 20, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 21, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 22, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 23, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 24, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 25, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 26, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 27, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 28, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 29, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 30, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
July 31, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month

No Shubh day available for marriage in August
August 1, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 2, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 3, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 4, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 5, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 6, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 7, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 8, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 9, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 10, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 11, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 12, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 13, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 14, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 15, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 16, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 17, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 18, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 19, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 20, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 21, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 22, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 23, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 24, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 25, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 26, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 27, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 28, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 29, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 30, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
August 31, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month

September 1, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 2, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 3, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 4, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 5, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 6, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 7, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 8, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 9, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 10, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 11, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 12, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 13, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 14, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 15, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 16, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 17, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 18, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 19, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 20, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 21, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 22, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 23, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 24, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 25, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 26, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 27, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 28, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 29, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
September 30, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month

October 1, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 2, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 3, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 4, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 5, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 6, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 7, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 8, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 9, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 10, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 11, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 12, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 13, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 14, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 15, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 16, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 17, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 18, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 19, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 20, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 21, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 22, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 23, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 24, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 25, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 26, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 27, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 28, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 29, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 30, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
October 31, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta

November 1, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 2, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 3, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 4, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 5, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 6, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 7, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 8, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 9, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 10, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 11, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 12, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 13, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 14, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 15, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 16, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 17, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 18, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 19, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 20, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Shukra Tara Asta
November 21, 2022, Monday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
12:14 AM to 06:49 AM, Nov 22
November 22, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Time is too short for Marriage
November 23, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Karana is corrupting most of the day
November 24, 2022, Thursday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
03:04 PM to 07:37 PM
November 25, 2022, Friday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
10:45 PM to 06:52 AM, Nov 26
November 26, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Yoga is corrupting most of the day
November 27, 2022, Sunday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
09:34 PM to 06:54 AM, Nov 28
Uttara Ashadha
November 28, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
November 29, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
November 30, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available

December 1, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
December 2, 2022, Friday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
07:30 AM to 06:58 AM, Dec 03
Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati
Dashami, Ekadashi
December 3, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Yoga is corrupting Auspicious Nakshatra
December 4, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
December 5, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
December 6, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
December 7, 2022, Wednesday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
08:46 PM to 07:01 AM, Dec 08
December 8, 2022, Thursday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
07:01 AM to 07:02 AM, Dec 09
Rohini, Mrigashirsha
Purnima, Pratipada
December 9, 2022, Friday Auspicious
Auspicious Marriage Muhurat is Available
07:02 AM to 02:59 PM
Pratipada, Dwitiya
December 10, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
December 11, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
December 12, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Auspicious Nakshatra not Available
December 13, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
December 14, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Yoga is corrupting Auspicious Nakshatra
December 15, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Available auspicious Nakshatra Time is too short for Marriage
December 16, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Day partially overlaps with Prohibited Solar month
December 17, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 18, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 19, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 20, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 21, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 22, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 23, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 24, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 25, 2022, Sunday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 26, 2022, Monday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 27, 2022, Tuesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 28, 2022, Wednesday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 29, 2022, Thursday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 30, 2022, Friday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month
December 31, 2022, Saturday Inauspicious
Prohibited Solar month

Subh Mahurat in 2023- जून 2023 विवाह मुहूर्त: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 23, 24, 26 और 27 जून को विवाह के शुभ मुहूर्त हैं. नवंबर 2023 विवाह मुहूर्त: 23, 24, 27, 28 और 29 नवंबर को विवाह के शुभ मुहूर्त हैं. दिसंबर 2023 विवाह मुहूर्त: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 और 15 दिसंबर को विवाह के शुभ मुहूर्त हैं.

Tags- shubh muhurat tomorrow, shubh muhurat 2022, vivah ka mahurat 2022, subh dates, vivah mahurat 2022, todays muhurat, shubh time


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